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Basket Sneakers

¥ 133,100





  • 製品ID:SNM018201602625M063
  • フロントに「DSQUARED2」レタリングプリント&メープルリーフ
  • 両サイドに「ICON」のレタリングプリント
  • シューレースとベルクロで開閉
  • イタリア製
アッパー:レザー 85%、レザー 10%、ナイロン 5%。裏地:レザー 100%ソール:熱可塑性ゴム 100%。
There's no point in false modesty. You are an icon and you need high tops that are too. Lace up and strap up for grip like no other, with an all-black offering that makes the white lettering and red maple leaf pop. Supreme comfort and longevity keep you going on and off the court.

If you need help send us a message: we will respond to all queries within 24 hours.
We are available from Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM CET

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