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One Life Shopping Bag

¥ 103,400





  • 製品ID:SPM0071003053572124
  • オーガニックコットンキャンバス製ショッパーバッグ
  • レタリング入りのグログラン製ハンドル
  • 内側にロゴのタグ
  • 内側にジッパーポケット
  • イタリア製
オーガニックコットン 100%
Shop in style with the Dsquared2 One Life shopping bag. This bag has a square construction for a sleek look and optimal carry capacity. The bag is made from a plain fabric and features two strips made of webbing which also forms the top handles. This webbing carries a One Life One Planet DSQ2 logo, finished with a maple leaf motif. Perfect for a spot of retail shopping or transporting larger items when travelling.

If you need help send us a message: we will respond to all queries within 24 hours.
We are available from Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM CET

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